Prevent Flame Propagation at Every Level
Your choice in flashback protection for your vapor control system is an important decision in preventing mishaps and the Flame Arrester is a critical safety device in its safe operation. Flame Arresters are passive devices with no moving parts that prevent flame propagation. All flame arrestors operate on the same principle: remove heat from the flame as it attempts to travel through narrow passages of the tube bank, but they are not all created equal. The type of arrester you choose depends on the device approvals for its end-of-line or in-line application.
Shand & Jurs designs, manufactures and tests a complete line of end-of-line and in-line flashback protection including flame, deflagration, and detonation arresters with approvals for end-of-line or in-line applications.
5911 Butterfield Road, Hillside, IL 60162
by DQS Inc.