evo 2600
Radar Level Gauge
L&J Engineering Logo


Ensuring Quality, Safety and Precision since 1922

From the most complicated data highway interfaces to the simplest open vent, L&J Technologies is the single source for your tank service needs. For more than thirty years, L&J Technologies technical service specialists have repaired computer systems, electronic gauges, conservation vents, and other tank fittings.

We see the whole picture, so while we may be on your tank to replace an electronic board, we can take a look at your vents. Why call anyone else when L&J Technologies can take care of your entire tanking needs?

L&J Technologies Technical Specialists can save you time and money. From factory repairs, on-site services, technical consulting and electronic and fitting specialization, L&J Technologies has the expertise to keep your tanking operations running efficiently.

Properly maintained tank gauging, conservation vents, tank fittings and control system equipment can minimize unscheduled downtime and costly errors resulting from malfunctioning equipment. Let L&J Technologies help keep your operations running smoothly and profitably.

At L&J Technologies, we recognize the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic and we strive in protecting the health and well-being of our employees and business partners.  Our service team follows all CDC recommended safety guidelines as well as any additional measures required on the site of your facility. 

Service Types

Field Services
Emergency repair and TroubleShooting, Field Surveys, Equipment Evaluation, Start-up Consultation, Operator Training, Maintenance, Engineering Assistance, Maintenance Training, Field Services Plans and Training Seminars.

Factory Repairs
Upgrades and Exchanges, Rebuilds and Bench Testing, Equipment Loan Programs.
Two Week Turnaround is standard, however expedited services up to 24-hour turnaround is available in emergency situations.

Technical Consulting
Training Seminars, Electronic Equipment Inspection, Recalibrating Services, Mechanical Equipment Inspection and Cleaning Services, Discounted Spare Parts available with expedited turnaround, Priority Dispatch on All Service Calls available, Inventory Management Systems Consultation System Upgrades Consultation and Implementation, Protocol Interface Solutions, Multi-Vendor Communications, and Custom Software Solutions.

Photo of service technician

Electronic Specialists
Electronic Gauging, Electronic Alarm Systems, Inventory Management Systems, Remote Terminal Units, Transmitters, All Data Highway Protocol, Other Manufacturers’ Equipment, and High Level Alarms.

Fittings Specialists
Tank Blanketing, Recovery and Venting, Mechanical Gauges, Mechanical Alarm Systems, Flame and Detonation Arresters, Drain Valves, Emergency Vents, and Other Manufacturers’ Equipment.

Photo of service technician

Field Services
Emergency repair and TroubleShooting, Field Surveys, Equipment Evaluation, Start-up Consultation, Operator Training, Maintenance, Engineering Assistance, Maintenance Training, Field Services Plans and Training Seminars.

Factory Repairs
Upgrades and Exchanges, Rebuilds and Bench Testing, Equipment Loan Programs.
Two Week Turnaround is standard, however expedited services up to 24-hour turnaround is available in emergency situations.

Technical Consulting
Training Seminars, Electronic Equipment Inspection, Recalibrating Services, Mechanical Equipment Inspection and Cleaning Services, Discounted Spare Parts available with expedited turnaround, Priority Dispatch on All Service Calls available, Inventory Management Systems Consultation System Upgrades Consultation and Implementation, Protocol Interface Solutions, Multi-Vendor Communications, and Custom Software Solutions.

Electronic Specialists
Electronic Gauging, Electronic Alarm Systems, Inventory Management Systems, Remote Terminal Units, Transmitters, All Data Highway Protocol, Other Manufacturers’ Equipment, and High Level Alarms.

Fittings Specialists
Tank Blanketing, Recovery and Venting, Mechanical Gauges, Mechanical Alarm Systems, Flame and Detonation Arresters, Drain Valves, Emergency Vents, and Other Manufacturers’ Equipment.