Shand & Jurs Biogas designs, manufactures and tests a complete line of Digester Gas Safety Equipment and Waste Gas Burners/Flares for municipal sewage treatment plants, landfills, dairies, food-processing and breweries.
Shand & Jurs Biogas provides gas safety equipment on top of digester covers including pressure/vacuum vents, flame arresters, 3-way safety selector valves along with emergency vent/manhole covers and cover position indication. We provide the most effective sealing technology to reduce emissions on the market.
Discover how your digester gases can be converted from liability to an asset in this sample system. Dropping out sediment and condensate the cleaned gases can be used to supplement plant service gas to run boilers, heat exchangers and other equipment including turbines.
We manufacture both open candlestick and enclosed flares to help reduce emissions. Our candlestick flares are offered with options for automatic ignition at the tip of the flare or at ground level. Our enclosed flares are designed to meet strict emission regulations and/or where open flames are not permitted.
5911 Butterfield Road, Hillside, IL 60162
by DQS Inc.