evo 2600
Radar Level Gauge


Prevent Flame Propagation at Every Level
Your choice in flashback protection for your vapor control system is an important decision in preventing mishaps and the Flame Arrester is a critical safety device in its safe operation. Flame Arresters are passive devices with no moving parts that prevent flame propagation. All flame arrestors operate on the same principle: remove heat from the flame as it attempts to travel through narrow passages of the tube bank, but they are not all created equal. The type of arrester you choose depends on the device approvals for its end-of-line or in-line application.
Shand & Jurs designs, manufactures and tests a complete line of end-of-line and in-line flashback protection including flame, deflagration, and detonation arresters with approvals for end-of-line or in-line applications.

Flame Arresters

  • End-of-line tested Factory Mutual (FM) approved to isolate and prevent unconfined atmospheric flame fronts
  • Maximize flow capacity with minimum pressure drop.

Deflagration Arresters

  • In-line tested per the ATEX Directive in conjunction with ISO 16852
  • Offer maximum flow capacity. 

Detonation Arresters

  • Factory Mutual (FM), NEC Group D or C & D, and United States Coast Guard (USCG) approved, depending on the model
  • Mount anywhere in long and complex piping
  • Stop the flame propagation at supersonic velocities

Flame Arresters

94306 Vertical End Of Line Flame Arrester

  • Stop flame propagation end of the line on low pressure tanks or piping systems containing flammable liquids or solvents having a low flash point.

94307 Horizontal End Of Line Flame Arrester

  • Stop flame propagation in-line on low pressure tanks or piping systems containing flammable liquids or solvents having a low flash point.

94308 Miniature Flame Arrester

  • Small storage tanks and drums where low flash point solvents must be protected against flame from exterior sources of ignition.

94309 Flame Arrester (Plate Element)

  • Quenches the flame front by cooling the flame to below its ignition temperature.

94550 Combination Flame Arrester and Free Vent

  • Provides both positive flame stop and maximum venting in a compact fitting.

94570 Combination Conservation Vent and Flame Arrester (2"-12" Sizes)

  • Pressure and vacuum relief, as well as positive flame stop on low pressure tanks containing flammable liquids or solvents having a low flash point.

97570 Combination Conservation Vent and Flame Arrester (2"-12"Sizes)

  • Digester Pressure/Vacuum Relief Coupled with Flame Propagation Protection

97571 Combination Conservation Vent & Flame Arrester (2"-12" Sizes)

  • Digester Pressure/Vacuum Relief Coupled with Flame Propagation Protection

94580 Combination Emergency Vent and Flame Arrester

  • Emergency pressure venting as well as positive flame stop on low pressure tanks containing flammable liquids or solvents having a low flashpoint.

94390 Arrester Bank EZ-Out

  • Designed to allow for easy inspection & removal of arrester tube banks

Deflagration Arresters

94406 Vertical Inline Deflagration Flame Arrester

  • In-line tested to stop flame propagation that end of the line flame arresters cannot on low pressure tanks or piping systems containing flammable liquids or solvents having a low flash point.

94407 Horizontal Inline Deflagration Flame Arrester

  • In-line tested to stop flame propagation that end of the line flame arresters cannot on low pressure tanks or piping systems containing flammable liquids or solvents having a low flash point.

94450 Combination Deflagration Flame Arrester and Free Vent

  • Positive flame stop and maximum venting in a compact fitting.

94470 Combination Conservation Vent and Deflagration Flame Arrester

  • Pressure and vacuum relief, as well as positive flame stop on low pressure tanks containing flammable liquids or solvents having a low flash point.

Detonation Arresters

94311, 94312, 94313, 94314 Detonation Flame Arresters

  • Protection against flame propagation through piping runs and vapor recovery systems, while allowing maximum flow efficiencies.
L&J Technologies or any of it’s subsidiaries assume no responsibility and shall not be liable for any damage, injury or death caused by the mis-application or improper installation of the products that it provides. Installation shall be per manufacturer’s instructions in accordance to any applicable local, state or federal regulations. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to ensure these guidelines are followed and that the products are applied properly.