The Shand & Jurs Cable Winches incorporate the finest design and highest quality materials available. This winch is used in raising and lowering swing lines in storage tanks and is of the worm gear type which is highly superior to the conventional spur gear winch that requires a pawl to prevent the winch from running down. The breaking of a pawl holds the possibility of the swing line damaging the bottom of the storage tank, and the spinning handle injuring the operator.
Gears in the Shand & Jurs Winch are accurately machined with the result that the winch is smooth in operation and there is no back lash. The handle has a loose hand grip which revolves with the hand when the winch is operated. When the handle is released it remains in that position and the weight of the swing line will not move it. The winch is mounted on steel supports which can be riveted or welded to the tank shell. In the event of damage to the winch, it can be removed from the supports without the necessity of detaching the supports from the tank. The gear ratio of these winches is calculated to require the least amount of pull on the crank to raise or lower the swing lines to which they are applied.
The Shand & Jurs Winch is suitable for a variety of applications including raising and lowering swing lines in storage tanks, oil baths and other applications. Construction material is case steel fabrication. The 95600 Winch is made in two sizes: the No. 1 Heavy duty, 1500 Ibs. capacity and No. 3 Light duty, 500 Ibs. capacity. The 95601 is an indicator option which can be installed on the 95600. The 95602 has a standard lift capacity of 2500 pounds. The 95603 includes the 95602 and the indicator.
Shand & Jurs Model 95650 Cable Collar Clamp
The Cable Collar Clamps are necessary to properly affix the plow steel cable to the swing line. They are regularly supplied by Shand & Jurs as part of the complete system. They are made of machine steel and are available in 3’’, 4”, 6”, 8”, 10”, 12”, 14”, 16”, 18” & 20” sizes. Be sure to specify pipe size when ordering cable collar clamps.
Shand & Jurs Plow Steel Cable
Plow steel cable combines extreme toughness with pliability and is ideally suited for raising and lowering the swing line. It readily withstands the strain imposed by the weight of the line and is sufficiently flexible to wind easily on the winch. For the greatest satisfaction, the necessary cable should always be ordered with a winch. It is available in 1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2”, and 5/8” diameter
5911 Butterfield Road, Hillside, IL 60162
by DQS Inc.