evo 2600
Radar Level Gauge

Gauge Hatch and Manholes

When easy access to storage tanks is critical, shand & Jurs is the clear choice for gauge hatch and manhole solutions. Whether you need to access to gauge product temperature, product sampling or entering the tank , Shand & Jurs offers the widest variety of application specific solutions on the market.

95004/95010/95011/95014 Gauge Hatches

  • Provide easy access to storage tanks for gauging products level or temperature and product sampling.

95021 Quick Clamp Gauge Hatch

  • Quick Clamp Gauge Hatch allows for hands-free operation and easy access to storage tanks for gauging product level or temperature and product sampling.

95210 Clamping Manhole Cover

  • Provides ready access to product storage tanks by means of an easily opened hinged cover.

95220 Clamping Manhole Cover

  • Designed as an economical solution that provides ready access to product storage tanks by means of an easily opened-dome hinged cover for larger diameter applications.

evo 2600 Retrofit Radar Gauge and Sampling Cover

  • The evo 2600 Retrofit Radar Gauge and Sampling Cover Replaces Existing 8 Inch Gauge/Thief Hatch Covers