94115 Vacuum Vent (Side Mounted)

The Shand & Jurs 94115 Vacuum Vent has been designed utilizing over 90 years experience in the development of quality safety and conservation fittings. The function of this vent is to relieve vacuum conditions in liquid product storage tanks, and also withstand the pressure of the stored product when not operating under a vacuum.

Vacuum breathing requirements of some products may vary so much from pressure breathing, that it is sometimes desirable and more economical to have separate vents to perform these respective functions.

A minimum number of model options are required to cover the wide variety of fluids and temperatures encountered in the petroleum, chemical and general process industries. Many trims, body materials and settings are standard options for those few conditions where standard construction is unsuited.

Standard materials of construction include low copper aluminum, steel, stainless steel, cast iron or ductile iron body. Specially designed seats are provided to withstand high pressures to which the vent may be subjected and to provide maximum flow efficiency.

The body is self-draining and drip rings keep condensates from the seating surfaces. The Teflon diaphragm of the pallet has high resistance to adhesion by ice and gum formation, thus preventing sticking to the seat ring.


  • Side Mounted
  • Wide selection of materials for most corrosive and temperature needs
  • Unique floating diaphragm construction assures tight seal
  • Peripheral and stem guided vacuum pallet assures reliable operation
  • Pallet design contributes to high flow
  • Heavy duty construction, yet compact enough for easy handling

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