MCG 3630 Touch Panel Tank Monitor

L&J Engineering’s MCG 3630 Touch Panel Tank Monitor provides field polling support for level, temperature, BS&W and density. It displays information as text or in graphical format in bar graphs for multiple tanks. The MCG 3630 provides a touchscreen selectable system allowing the user to set gauge address, enable tanks for polling and scale factors for graphs.

The MCG 3630 supports any current or future protocol with its flexible design. The standard option includes L&J Tankway wiring and communication. The system also supports host communication back to a central control computer with tank level, temperature, BS&W and density.

Real Time
The Real Time page provides the end user with a snapshot display of the pertinent information for each tank in your system that is connected to the MCG 3630. It includes a bar graph that shows the tank level relative to your user defined maximum fill level which will flash with different colors if you begin to approach your high level alarm setpoint. There is an arrow which will show you your tank movement, up or down, or no arrow for an idle tank. There is a text display box which will show the current level of the product, the volume of the product, the temperature of the product, and the product name. This displays is also customizable based upon the end user’s needs.


  • Displays Level, Temperature, BS&W and Density from Multiple Tanks
  • Touch Screen User Input
  • Wireless Option Available
  • Multi-Protocol Compatible
  • Supports Host Communication
  • Wireless Mesh Level Gauging Compatible

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