94201 Emergency Vent and Manhole Cover

The Shand & Jurs 94201 Emergency Vent and Manhole Cover with “Expanda-Seal” is an economical solution to present day emergency venting requirements. It is designed to relieve excessive internal pressure in liquid storage tanks while providing excellent protection against costly tank roof rupture repair. The “Expanda-Seal design also decreases product leakage below actual set point. The standard design is available in 20″ & 24″ flange.

The Model 94201 is available with low base for liquid overflow. When specified, elongated guides and special stops can be provided to limit pallet lift. The pallet guide is deep enough to assure proper reseating of pallet after pressure relief at lower overpressures. Pallet will reseat when tank pressure drops below set pressure.

For tank venting or examination, the pallet may be removed from its base offering a clear unobstructed passage. A retaining cable is provided to attach the pallet to the base.

Shand & Jurs “Expanda-Seal” option is available on all pressure pallet assemblies. This feature significantly reduces leakage. The ballooning effect of the Teflon diaphragm effectively seals the valve.


  • Easy installation, convenient handling
  • “Expanda-Seal” design for applications where low leakage rates are a requirement
  • 20″ opening with 20″ and 24″ flanges
  • API 650 or 150 lb ANSI compatibility
  • EN1092-1 sizes available
  • Materials include Aluminum, Steel & 316 Stainless Steel

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