Information that can be transferred from WirelessHart field devices to host control systems:
The WirelessHART® Gateway is the interface between the WirelessHART network and control or asset management system.
The device supports WirelessHART networks with up to 250 network participants. The gateway provides a two wire RS-485 interface as well as an ethernet connection. Both interfaces transmit the HART or MODBUS protocol.
The gateway can be configured via PACTware DTM or device description (DD) in connection with a configuration software.
Furthermore, a web interface is provided for easy setup of the MODBUS register map. The web interface also provides information about what devices have joined the network and connection statistics. Network conditions and diagnostic information can also be included in the MODBUS registers.
The gateway provides robust security management. Therefore, messages are unreadable for external listeners.
5911 Butterfield Road, Hillside, IL 60162
by DQS Inc.